Thursday, August 26, 2010

Rehab with envy

Rehab continues ... this morning I went 4 miles and still felt well at the end. It took everything in me to limit it to only 4. I already broke by 10% rule, but I have to think that 26.2 is too may 10%'s away for little jumps. I now have changed my rule to 10% or 1 mile, which ever is greater ... increase then hold steady for a while, that's the ticket. A slow steady return will hopefully be the trick to get the hammie back in shape.

As Alexa gets ready for her September trail race, I watch with envy as she goes out the door to do some real running. She is visiting for golf with Janet and needed to get nine in tonight ...  lucky for her, too many for me to even think about.  She is really enjoying her trail training.

I added a page to the blog with "Upcoming Races". It can be found with clicking on the page name to the right (but don't click yet). Links to the web sites are attached and will hopefully work ok (this web stuff is confusing). If you have never done trails before, it really seems interesting to me. Todd Y, "the little, big one", runs the Tahoe Trails Ultra in 2 weeks; Alexa and Katy do their Marathon in 4 weeks. So as I continue to ice, run on! (try that click to the right now).

Ice - My New Best Friend


  1. Best of luck. Let me recommend some sports massage... I had fantastic results with VeLoyce Shacketon of Monster of Massage in Newcastle when my achilles was just not getting better. He typically does 30 minute sessions. Helping to heal endurance athletes is his speciality. I swear by him.

  2. Wow Dad...getting pretty professional with this blog!! I better get my game face on and add pages like you!

  3. ;) hi Todd! As a non-runner, but an avid fan of your blogggg'g, please don't get offended when I say I lol at the above picture, which you refer as your new best friend!! "Ice-ice, baby" as the ol' rap song used to go! That is ice huh? :) Even tho' you're hurting, u never cease to m a k e me laf'!
    Get your game face on (stole from Eliz.') & keep blogging, Todd. :) ...wat' do i know anyway!!
