Sunday, November 21, 2010

2 Weeks to CIM

Craig, Janet and Todds at soccer
We're starting the two week countdown to CIM, the California International Marathon) and everyone is scampering to get those last  training miles in.  Usually I like to taper for three weeks, but still recovering from my hammie I hated to cut down too soon.  Little Big Todd  and I did a 15 miler yesterday (after he ran 10 from his house to mine for, yes, a total of 25 for him).  An added highlight of the day was going to Craig's soccer game after our run.  Todd has been fighting illness with lots of traveling added in so he has had little running the past few weeks.  Alexa also had a cold and she cut down her running early.  I'm not sure what her weekly mileage is these days.

Abby, Eleanor, Elizabeth and Alexa

Katy Gifford is pacing the 5:00 group and I'm pretty sure she's gotten in her training miles.  She has continued her training from her recent trail marathon with Alexa.  Abby did a 22 miler last week and I think she has been doing well with her training program.  I haven't heard her time goal yet.

I'm happy with my progress with my sore hamstring.  I've managed to continue my running 5-6 days per week with 40-50 miles per week.  I have not done any speed work and really lack any real endurance.  It has been more base running than anything else.  I would like to be doing some longer runs (20 milers) and some intervals but decided to wait until after after CIM hoping to avoid injuries.  Alexa and I have been talking about aiming for 4:00 but I'm thinking that may be a little too hopeful.  I guess we'll have to see how we feel that day.
Harriot & Eleanor

Time to go check on Eleanor who is visiting us this afternoon.  Right now she's taking a little nap probably dreaming of running in Boston with her Grand-dad.  We both can dream can't we.  Stay well and run long.  See you at the starting line.

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